Today was last day of the tournament, and I had only one match.
I won it 3-0 (11-3, 11-4, 11-4), it was quite easy game to me. Only problem was my sore throat, it was bit difficult to be sharp, but no pain no gain.
My overall game statistics is two lost and three wins. I´m quite satisfied with the tournament, it showed that a lot has gone forward during the summer, but still there is still a lot work to do. My next tournament will be Espoo Junior Open 20.9-21.9 in Espoo.
Now, these few weeks hard training and then towards new challenges!
Some pictures:
16 year old finnish squash player. Lives in Helsinki, Finland. Representing Espoo Squash Racket Club. (ESRC) Competes in girls under 17.
JSK Open

Sunday, 31 August 2014
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Finnish Junior Open day 2
Today I had three matches, two wins and one lost.
First macth was against Henrietta Huuhka. I lost it 3-0 (11-3, 11-4, 11-5), even though I lost it was one of my best games, what I have played! The ball went where I wanted to and I kept to fighting every ball until till it ends. I got to run around in circles quite a bit, but sometimes it also produces results.
The second macth was ok macth and I won it 3-0 (11-4, 11-3, 11-2), the game was quite easy to me. I manages the ball and I did a good back court basic shots. Game show, that I still have some work to basic shots.
The last match was against Johanna Salmi. I won it also 3-0 (11-2, 11-3, 11-6), the game went ok. First and second game I was sharp and was in control the flow of game, but in thrid game I got loose. Balls dropped in the middle of court, and I couldn´t move Johanna as well as other games.
Tomorrow I will have only one game at 15.20, position 5-6. I hope, I´m as good shape tomorrow as today.
Some pictures:
First macth was against Henrietta Huuhka. I lost it 3-0 (11-3, 11-4, 11-5), even though I lost it was one of my best games, what I have played! The ball went where I wanted to and I kept to fighting every ball until till it ends. I got to run around in circles quite a bit, but sometimes it also produces results.
The second macth was ok macth and I won it 3-0 (11-4, 11-3, 11-2), the game was quite easy to me. I manages the ball and I did a good back court basic shots. Game show, that I still have some work to basic shots.
The last match was against Johanna Salmi. I won it also 3-0 (11-2, 11-3, 11-6), the game went ok. First and second game I was sharp and was in control the flow of game, but in thrid game I got loose. Balls dropped in the middle of court, and I couldn´t move Johanna as well as other games.
Tomorrow I will have only one game at 15.20, position 5-6. I hope, I´m as good shape tomorrow as today.
Some pictures:
Friday, 29 August 2014
Finnish Junior Open Day 1
Today I had my season first game against Katri Aalto-Setälä. I lost the game 3-0. (11-1, 11-6, 11-3) The game went ok, there was many good performances, but still lot improvement. The biggest step forward was the mental side, I didn´t fell down for pieces and I was able to play what I could.
Some pictures:
Some pictures:
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Kilpailukauden alku/ Start of new season
On taas kohta aika aloittaa kilpailukausi Finnish Junior Openilla 29.8-31.8 Talissa. Nyt kun on harjoittelut kesän ja alkusyksyn hyvin intensiivisesti, niin on erittäin mukavaa päästä testaamaan alkukauden kuntoaan. Finnish Junior Open käynnistää ESF:n (Europian Squash Federation) junior circuit kilpailut. Kilpailuihin on tulossa pelaajia Suomesta, Ruotsista, Norjasta, Latviasta ja Virosta. Yhteensä pelaajia on noin 80 ja on erittäin hienoa, että kisoissa tulee olemaan suuren urheilujuhlan tuntua . Kilpailun internet sivut:
Kilpailukauteni tulee nyt alkukautena olemaan hyvin tiivis, kisoja tulee olemaan noin joka toinen viikonloppu niin ulkomailla kuin Suomessakin.
Kilpailuni 2014 puolella:
Finnish Junior Open 29.8-31.8 Tali, Helsinki
Espoo Junior Open 20.9-21.9 Esport, Espoo (ilmottautuminen on juuri auennut kaikki junnut mukaan! )
Squashliiga 27.9, Mikkeli
Danish Junior Open 3.10-5.10, Kööpenhamina, Tanska
Espoo Open 25.10-26.10, Esport center, Espoo
Squashliiga 1.11, Oulu
Juniori Joukkue SM 8.11-9.11, Tali, Helsinki
Tampere Open 15.11-16.11, Tampere
Nyt vielä hieman tiukkaa treeniä ja ensi viikolla kohti kisoja!
It is again time to begin competitions of new season in Finnish Junior Open has 29.8 to 31.8 Tali, Helsinki. Now I have practicing during the summer and early autumn, very intensely, so it is very nice to test mine early season fitness. Finnish Junior Open launch the ESF (Europian Squash Federation) junior circuit competitions. The competition is getting players from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Latvia and Estonia. Total players is about 80, and it is very good that we can get decent competitions in Finland. Competition in the internet pages:
Competition season now becomes the beginning of the period to be a very tight, competitions are going to be around every second weekend, abroad as well as in Finland.
Competition of 2014:
Finnish Junior Open 29.8-31.8 Tali, Helsinki
Espoo Junior Open 20.9-21.9 Esport, Espoo (We hope that foreign players according to EJO!
More information: )
Finnish squash league 27.9, Mikkeli
Danish Junior Open 3.10-5.10, Copenhagen, Denmark
Espoo Open 25.10-26.10, Esport center, Espoo
Finnish squash league 1.11, Oulu
Finnish junior team championchips 8.11-9.11, Tali, Helsinki
Tampere Open 15.11-16.11, Tampere
Now bit tough practice and heading next week competitions!
Kilpailukauteni tulee nyt alkukautena olemaan hyvin tiivis, kisoja tulee olemaan noin joka toinen viikonloppu niin ulkomailla kuin Suomessakin.
Kilpailuni 2014 puolella:
Finnish Junior Open 29.8-31.8 Tali, Helsinki
Espoo Junior Open 20.9-21.9 Esport, Espoo (ilmottautuminen on juuri auennut kaikki junnut mukaan! )
Squashliiga 27.9, Mikkeli
Danish Junior Open 3.10-5.10, Kööpenhamina, Tanska
Espoo Open 25.10-26.10, Esport center, Espoo
Squashliiga 1.11, Oulu
Juniori Joukkue SM 8.11-9.11, Tali, Helsinki
Tampere Open 15.11-16.11, Tampere
Nyt vielä hieman tiukkaa treeniä ja ensi viikolla kohti kisoja!
It is again time to begin competitions of new season in Finnish Junior Open has 29.8 to 31.8 Tali, Helsinki. Now I have practicing during the summer and early autumn, very intensely, so it is very nice to test mine early season fitness. Finnish Junior Open launch the ESF (Europian Squash Federation) junior circuit competitions. The competition is getting players from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Latvia and Estonia. Total players is about 80, and it is very good that we can get decent competitions in Finland. Competition in the internet pages:
Competition season now becomes the beginning of the period to be a very tight, competitions are going to be around every second weekend, abroad as well as in Finland.
Competition of 2014:
Finnish Junior Open 29.8-31.8 Tali, Helsinki
Espoo Junior Open 20.9-21.9 Esport, Espoo (We hope that foreign players according to EJO!
More information: )
Finnish squash league 27.9, Mikkeli
Danish Junior Open 3.10-5.10, Copenhagen, Denmark
Espoo Open 25.10-26.10, Esport center, Espoo
Finnish squash league 1.11, Oulu
Finnish junior team championchips 8.11-9.11, Tali, Helsinki
Tampere Open 15.11-16.11, Tampere
Now bit tough practice and heading next week competitions!
Saturday, 16 August 2014
Lyhyt esittely lyhyestä squash urastani/presentation of the short squash career
Moi kaikki! Olen juuri 16 vuotta täyttänyt squashin pelaaja Helsingistä. Aloitin squashin pelaamisen kaksi ja puoli vuotta sitten Helsingin Squash kerhossa. (HSK) Kun olin pelannut puoli vuotta, kaipasin enemmän haasteita ja vaihdoin suomen suurimpaan squash seuraan Espoo Squash Rackets Club:iin (ESRC), koska kaipasin enemmän haasteita. Ensimmäisenä vuotena ESRC:ssä pelasin kerran viikossa, koska harrastin vielä silloin yksinluistelua HSK:ssa. Tällä kaudella aloitin myös kilpailemisen, parhaimpia tuloksia oli esim. Oulu junior open D-luokan 2. Sija. Toisella kaudella minulle tarjottiin enemmän harjoituksia, johon minä suostuin. Harjoittelin kolme kertaa viikossa ja aloin kilpailemaan yhä aktiivisemmin. Talvella jouduin todella alkaa pohtimaan mitä haluan tulevaisuudelta. Lopulta päädyin, että haen Mäkelärinteen urheilulukioon (johon lopulta pääsin) squashilla. Tämä valinta tarkoitti sitä, että joudun lopettamaan toisen rakkaan harrastuksen jota olin harrastanut 12 vuotta, yksinluistelun. Nyt tälle kaudelle sain kutsun ESRC:n tehovalmennukseen, johon kutsutaan seuran lahjakkaimpia pelaajia. Tällä kaudella olisi tarkoitus harjoitella 8-10 krt + kilpailut viikonloppuisin. Toivon, että tällä kaudella pystyisin pelaamaan jo parhaimpien kanssa ja saamaan hyviä tuloksia.
Kauden kilpailuja odotellessa.
In English:
Hi all! I`m 16 year old squash player from Helsinki, Finland. I started playing squash two and a half years ago in Helsinki Squash club. (HSK) When I played for half a year, I longed for more challenges and changed Finland's largest squash club Espoo Squash Rackets Club (ESRC), because I wanted more challenges. In the first year ESRC in playing once a week, because my hobby at the time was figure skating in HSK. In 2012-2013 season I started to compete, the best results were for example. Oulu junior open class D 2nd place. During the second season I was offered more exercises, to which I agreed. I practiced three times a week and I started to compete more and more. In the winter I had to really start to think what I want for the future. In the end, I ended up with that, I'll get Mäkelärinne Sport High School (which eventually got) squash with. This choice meant that I have to put an end to another beloved hobby which I had indulged for 12 years of my life, figure skating.. Now this season I was invited to the ESRC's power training, which is called the club's most talented players. This season would have to be to practice 8-10 times + Tournaments at weekends. I hope that this season would be able to play on the best and get good results.
While waiting competitions starting.
In English:
Hi all! I`m 16 year old squash player from Helsinki, Finland. I started playing squash two and a half years ago in Helsinki Squash club. (HSK) When I played for half a year, I longed for more challenges and changed Finland's largest squash club Espoo Squash Rackets Club (ESRC), because I wanted more challenges. In the first year ESRC in playing once a week, because my hobby at the time was figure skating in HSK. In 2012-2013 season I started to compete, the best results were for example. Oulu junior open class D 2nd place. During the second season I was offered more exercises, to which I agreed. I practiced three times a week and I started to compete more and more. In the winter I had to really start to think what I want for the future. In the end, I ended up with that, I'll get Mäkelärinne Sport High School (which eventually got) squash with. This choice meant that I have to put an end to another beloved hobby which I had indulged for 12 years of my life, figure skating.. Now this season I was invited to the ESRC's power training, which is called the club's most talented players. This season would have to be to practice 8-10 times + Tournaments at weekends. I hope that this season would be able to play on the best and get good results.
While waiting competitions starting.
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