Kaiken kaikkiaan viikonlopun aikana tuli paljon hyviä pelejä ja turnaus antoi taas lisää harjoittelemisen aihetta!
Seuraavan kerran tosi toimissa kahden viikonpäästä (29.11-30.11) maajoukkueleirin merkeissä. Pelaamme leirin yhteydessä Fontanella cupin, joten siellä pääsee kokeilemaan kuntoaan seuraavan kerran. Tämän jälkeen (4.12-7.12) suuntaan Sveitsiin pelaamaan neljä päiväsen turnauksen Langnau am Albis:iin.
This weekend's tournament I traveled to Tampere, playing women elite and in mens 3 draw. I played for the first time in men's draw, because in women's draw I should have only 2 games. Womens are playing in mens the draw is a very normal practice in Finland, that we would have more games. I got during a weekend 6 match, which I won two and lost four. Both wins were in mens draw. Women's draw was a very hard level, and the first match was in 2011 against the Finnish champions. The match went okey, shots were conducted and the balls were relatively long. The game was a relatively tight and I lost it 13-11. However, it was only little comfort, and others games I lost 11-1. In mens second match I got my first victory against Russian when I won my opponent 3-1. (16-14, 6-11, 11-9, 12-10) The game was very tight torque all the time, but in the end shots went to the correct addresses and I won the game! The last two matches is not much to tell, because I ran out of power completely and then it did not come to anything any more. Today, I had one more game and I won the game 3-0. Shots went well, and the stupid mistakes did not come so much.
All in all, the weekend was a lot of good games and a tournament again gave more what to train!