JSK Open

JSK Open

Friday, 17 April 2015

Bit different day/Joka paikan squashia Siltamäessä

Tänään oli hieman erilainen päivä, olin vetämässä joka paikan squashia vanhalla ala-asteellani. (Siltamäen ala-aste) Tämä oli vasta toinen kokeilu Suomessa. Oppilaita kävi päivän aikana yhteensä noin 220, 1-6 luokilta.
Pakko sanoa, että oli aika hienoa nähdä kuinka innostuneita lapset olivat! Innokkuus paistoi jokaisen silmistä ja positiivista palautetta tuli monelta! Toivottavasti sain innostettua lapsia liikunnan ja squashin pariin! Kiitos Suomen squashliitolle välineistä!

Today was a little different day, I was coaching every place squash, on my old primary school. This was only the second trial in Finland. Pupils visited during the day a total of about 220, 1-6 grades.
I have to say that was great to see how excited the kids were! The enthusiasm shone every sight and positive feedback came from many! I hope I inspires many children to join different sports and maybe to try squash! Thank you for Finnish Squash association for equipments!

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Can´t even describe!

Last weekend was big thing to me! I manage to get back to the squash and football. I can´t even describe to you, how good it felt! Even though the games didn´t went well, I´m still pleased that I can enjoy what I really love.
Last two months was so hard, but I survived! This raised me as an athlete and I don´t take anything for granted anymore.
Next tournament will be in two weeks in Tali. It´s last elite tournament at this season. The tournament will perhaps be a challenge, but I will try everything that I can. I will leave everything on the court.
Few pictures last weekend: