JSK Open

JSK Open

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

How it has gone

It has been 3 weeks after I stop playing and went to doctor. These weeks hasn't been easy, lot of frustration, visit to various fysiotherapist and some rehab. I have been given different estimates when I get back to court. They have been varied four to six weeks, I really hopes that it will be only four weeks. I have notice that my life has (again) got bit mess, weekly rhythm has changed and I have miss hard squash training. It's not same to go a gym and do quite same training everytime. I need some excitement to my life, now it's quite like wake up, go school, get back home, get to gym and then to sleep.
On next tuesday I have (again) fysiotherapist visit and let see even if I could get to do some solo practice on the court!
Only time will tell.