It has been quite long when I last writed here. So it´s time to re-start this.
As my title tells it´s time to train hard again! I have been able to run 30 minutes and it has felt amazing! Okey okey, it has been quite tough because I´m pretty out of shape right now. Slowly but steadily I will get shape soon. At the beginning I will train three squash training in week and run for many days.
I have started to plan my rest season. My first tournament probably will be Järvenpää Open. It´s one of the four elite series tournament in Finland. Next I will travel Oulu to play Oulu Junior Open. I look forward this competition, because it´s nice to see where other juniors are going.
In summer there is two tournament in middle-Europe, so I will go there. Pioneer Junior Open in Cologne and Ducth Junior Open in Amsterdam. They will be my last tournaments in girls under 17.
I hope everything is going well and you will see me back playing soon! :)