JSK Open

JSK Open

Friday, 3 July 2015

Pioneer junior cup 2015 - Day 1

I had only one game today, it was against Megan Van Drongelen (Netherland). I won it 3-1, I lose the first game, because I was over exited. The other three games I played very good squash. I enjoyed a lot! The heat has been sufficient enough already to a problem, it has been about +35 each day. Tomorrow I will have two games, first is against Lily Zelov (USA) at 12.20.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Stadi Cup 2015

Last weekend I was playing in Europe biggest girls and ladies football tournament. I played in Ladies with my team (MPS/akatemia). We played quite well and we made through the final!
The final were tight, but we won it 2-0! We didn't lose even a game in the tournament. 
Some pictures:

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Finnish Squash Federation seminar in Pajulahti

Last two days I was in Finnish Squash Federation seminar. We were thinking new strategies for recruiting new members. It was nice experience to get new ideas about future of Finnish Squash!
Here is our new slogan:

Monday, 11 May 2015

Oulu junior open 2015

Last weekend I had last tournament in Finland this season. We played in mixed draws, so boys and girls are playing against each others. I played in A draw, which had 8 player's. My first game was against 1/2 seeded player. The match went okey, I tried my best but he was better. Second game was much better for me. The match was tight and I got a game. Eventhough I lost, I'm still happy the way I played. Saturdays last match was bit easier, I won 3-0. All shots went were I wanted and I found my dissappeared dropshots.
In sunday we had a team event. I played all matches and all were quite though. The last game was best, what I had played since the injury. I lost 2-0 (we played best of three games) 11/13 11/13. Balls were long and the whole match were quite long. We had few misunderstanding with the referee in second game tie break, which is why all my thoughts ran away from the game and I lost.
Last tournaments in this season will be in Germany and Netherlands, in july. They are my last tournaments in girls under 17. Now it's time to start short fitness level season.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Bit different day/Joka paikan squashia Siltamäessä

Tänään oli hieman erilainen päivä, olin vetämässä joka paikan squashia vanhalla ala-asteellani. (Siltamäen ala-aste) Tämä oli vasta toinen kokeilu Suomessa. Oppilaita kävi päivän aikana yhteensä noin 220, 1-6 luokilta.
Pakko sanoa, että oli aika hienoa nähdä kuinka innostuneita lapset olivat! Innokkuus paistoi jokaisen silmistä ja positiivista palautetta tuli monelta! Toivottavasti sain innostettua lapsia liikunnan ja squashin pariin! Kiitos Suomen squashliitolle välineistä!

Today was a little different day, I was coaching every place squash, on my old primary school. This was only the second trial in Finland. Pupils visited during the day a total of about 220, 1-6 grades.
I have to say that was great to see how excited the kids were! The enthusiasm shone every sight and positive feedback came from many! I hope I inspires many children to join different sports and maybe to try squash! Thank you for Finnish Squash association for equipments!

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Can´t even describe!

Last weekend was big thing to me! I manage to get back to the squash and football. I can´t even describe to you, how good it felt! Even though the games didn´t went well, I´m still pleased that I can enjoy what I really love.
Last two months was so hard, but I survived! This raised me as an athlete and I don´t take anything for granted anymore.
Next tournament will be in two weeks in Tali. It´s last elite tournament at this season. The tournament will perhaps be a challenge, but I will try everything that I can. I will leave everything on the court.
Few pictures last weekend:

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Hey ho lets go!

It has been quite long when I last writed here. So it´s time to re-start this.
As my title tells it´s time to train hard again! I have been able to run 30 minutes and it has felt amazing! Okey okey, it has been quite tough because I´m pretty out of shape right now. Slowly but steadily  I will get shape soon. At the beginning I will train  three squash training in week and run for many days.
I have started to plan my rest season. My first tournament probably will be Järvenpää Open. It´s one of the four elite series tournament in Finland. Next I will travel Oulu to play Oulu Junior Open. I look forward this competition, because it´s nice to see where other juniors are going.
In summer there is two tournament in middle-Europe, so I will go there. Pioneer Junior Open in Cologne and Ducth Junior Open in Amsterdam. They will be my last tournaments in girls under 17.
I hope everything is going well and you will see me back playing soon! :)

Saturday, 21 February 2015

When nothing is as it should be

I'm so disappointed of my foot healing. My doctor said after mri (which showed it has started to heal but there is still something) that I have try running, so I tried and again I feel pain in my foot. I had to made hard decision and canceld my game trip to germany what would have been in next month.  It would be too risky to play. It's so fustrating that no one knows when it will be healed totally. I will continue my rehab and doing some self practice in court. I promise that I will be stronger than ever when I come back!

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Finnish Nationals 2015

Today I was shooting some pictures in finnish nationals, I'm quite proud some of the shots! 
It was nice to be there, even though I didn't play the atmosphere was amazing! Tomorrow will be final day, so I will be shooting some pictures there also.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

How it has gone

It has been 3 weeks after I stop playing and went to doctor. These weeks hasn't been easy, lot of frustration, visit to various fysiotherapist and some rehab. I have been given different estimates when I get back to court. They have been varied four to six weeks, I really hopes that it will be only four weeks. I have notice that my life has (again) got bit mess, weekly rhythm has changed and I have miss hard squash training. It's not same to go a gym and do quite same training everytime. I need some excitement to my life, now it's quite like wake up, go school, get back home, get to gym and then to sleep.
On next tuesday I have (again) fysiotherapist visit and let see even if I could get to do some solo practice on the court!
Only time will tell.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Will be out about month

I was preparing Finnish junior championchips but on thuesday morning practices everything fall apart. I felt very bad pain, which forced to stop training. I went straight to doctor and he told me news what I did not want to hear. He suspect that I have stress fracture of the foot. At noon I went to MRI (magnetic resonance image) and today my doctor call me and told the bad news. I have (only) starting RSI (repetitive strain injury) and I will be out (only) one month. This came worstest time to me because seasons main competition will be played at this weekend. I also have withdraw womens Finnish championchips because I have still sports prohibition remaining.
Tomorrow I will go to physiotherapist and I will got some movements to do this injury time. 
I hope this will recovery soon that I will get back to action!